Allie Collins

I’m a poet, novelist, and high school English Language Arts/Reading teacher. A former collegiate athlete, I graduated from the University of Kansas and am currently finishing my Master of Arts Degree in Teaching.

I’ve written poetry for as long as I can remember, and have always had the dream of writing a novel. The years and experiences that have passed have continued to shape my writing and imagination, and I am inspired to create meaningful stories that people can relate to. I’m currently working on gathering my poetry to publish the compilation –– check back for details on publish date.

Check out my latest posts…

  • Miles To Be Clean
    It is not forgiving,And it cannot be unseen.For every inch you drag in mud,It takes…
  • Licensed!
    A lot has happened since the last time I posted. Spring is usually a crazy…
  • So You Had A Bad Day
    I had a bad day today. It wasn’t the worst, but it wasn’t the best.…